If you've ever been to Paris, you may have had the delightful experience of visiting the Charvin Store. Charvin was established in 1830 on the bank of the Sienne. Cezanne, Bonard...these iconic artist bought their paint there.
Why am I waxing on about a store in Paris? That's where I picked up this blue. French Blue.
This sweet and quiet horse is painted in long, soft strokes of French Blue, hence his name.
18" x 18" oil on canvas.
Framed in 1'2" floater frame painted blue to match.
Why am I waxing on about a store in Paris? That's where I picked up this blue. French Blue.
This sweet and quiet horse is painted in long, soft strokes of French Blue, hence his name.
18" x 18" oil on canvas.
Framed in 1'2" floater frame painted blue to match.